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How To Become More Creative

Creativity is not a trait: 5 Tips to become more Creative 

Creativity is not a trait: 5 Tips to become more Creative Do you believe you're a Creative person? Would you like to become more Creative? 15 years ago if you told me I'd become an incredibly creative person, I would have never believed you. I realised I had really embodied creativity, when after teaching a moving meditation session for CreativeMornings that I was asked by a participant: What is something that has helped you remain confident in your creativity? And in that moment I felt incredibly proud, because the intentional practice I put into becoming a creative person had been…

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Overcome Imposter Syndrome

How to overcome Imposter Syndrome: 12 Simple Tips to reclaim your True Power

How to overcome Imposter Syndrome: 12 Simple Tips to reclaim your True Power As a woman entrepreneur, creative, and yoga teacher, I've been on a lifelong journey to overcome imposter syndrome, which had previously held me back from achieving my goals and pursuing my passions. Imposter syndrome is a psychological pattern in which you might doubt accomplishments and feel like a fraud. It can prevent you from taking risks, pursuing opportunities, and reaching your full potential. In this article, I will share 12 tips that I have found helpful to overcome imposter syndrome as a woman entrepreneur and Creative:  12…

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Fear Of Failure Can Cause Procrastination

How to overcome Fear of failure: A guide for Women entrepreneurs, Creatives and Yoga Teachers

How to overcome Fear of failure:  A guide for Women Changemakers, Creatives and Yoga Teachers As a woman changemaker, creative, or yoga teacher, it's common to experience the fear of failure. This fear can be paralyzing and prevent you from taking risks or pursuing your dreams. But, it doesn't have to be this way. In this article, you'll learn what fear of failure is, how it can show up in your life, and effective tips to help you overcome fear to take inspired action in your life. What is Fear of Failure? What are the signs? Fear of failure is…

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Why Breaks Are Important

How to be more productive: Discipline of Breaks

How to be more productive: Discipline of Breaks for Yoga Teachers, Creatives & Writers In today's fast-paced world, productivity has become a top priority for many. If you're self-employed, you might want to find ways to be more productive. Many people feel that the key to productivity is to work harder and longer. I used to think this way, that time was a limited resource and the longer I worked, the more I would accomplish. I was making a fatal mistake: As a self-employed entrepreneur, well-being coach and creative, one thing I struggled to do initially was to take breaks…

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How To Take A Menstrual Break

How to take a Menstrual break to supercharge your Productivity and Creativity

How to take a Menstrual break to can improve your Productivity and Creativity 🩸 Most women report feeling the most tired during their period and the days leading up to it. As a self-employed women entrepreneur who mentors other women entrepeneurs, yoga teachers and creatives, taking a menstrual break is the number 1 thing I recommend for better productivity, creativity and career success, not to mention better mental, physical and emotional well-being! In this post you'll discover what menstrual leave is, how it differs from menstrual breaks, how menstrual breaks can benefit you, and how to take your own menstrual break to…

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Creative Cycle Process

What is the Creative Cycle?

What is the Creative Cycle? What are the Five Elements? The creative cycle is a process that underpins all transactions and processes in life, from how projects unfold, to your menstrual cycle, to the shifting seasons within a year and changing energies of a day, to your life cycle as a woman. There are Five Phases in the Creative Cycle, which correspond to the Five Elements.  The Five Elements of the Creative Cycle The Five Elements of the Creative Cycle are Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal, and these are respectively energies that underpin all the processes unfolding and matter existing…

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Monthly Reflection Journaling

How to do a monthly reflection: DIY Quick & Easy Monthly Reflection

How to do a monthly reflection: DIY Quick & Easy Monthly Reflection Happy March! February was a short month, and things really moved quickly for me. If I had to pick 3 words to describe February, they would be mind-blowing, expansive and intense. How about you? How was last month for you? It's tempting to rush into March and let everything just be swept under the rug. But I've found it really powerful to set aside even just 15-20 minutes for a monthly reflection to look back on the 28 days that's now behind us. If you're short on time,…

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How To Overcome Overwhelm

5 Types of Overwhelm & How to overcome overwhelm

5 Types of Overwhelm & How to overcome them Overwhelm is a feeling that can manifest in many different ways, but at its core, it is the experience of feeling like there is too much to handle, which can be caused by a variety of factors, including time constraints, emotional stress, decision-making pressure, information overload, and relationship challenges. In this article, you'll learn about the five types of overwhelm, be guided to identify the kind of overwhelm you're experiencing, and long term strategies to help you address the root cause(s) of the overwhelm so you can move forward and prevent…

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How To Do More In Less Time

12 Best Time management tips: How to do more in less time

12 Best Time management tips: How to do more in less time for Women Entrepreneurs, Yoga Teachers and Creatives Time is a precious and limited resource that so many of us struggle to manage and maximize. As a successful women's career and well-being coach with multiple concurrent projects I often get asked How can I do more in less time? Here are my 12 top tips on How to Do more in Less Time: 12 Productivity and time hacks to do more in less time: If you don't yet, keep a schedule, a visual tally / overview of all your projects…

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How To Become A Successful Yoga Teacher

How to become a successful Yoga Teacher: 3 Mistakes to avoid

How to become a successful Yoga Teacher: 3 Mistakes to avoid Are you a new yoga teacher, or yoga teacher trainee looking for tips on how to become a successful Yoga Teacher? Is no one contributing to your 'by-donation' yoga classes? Are your students asking when your next class is, but not showing up when you teach them? Are you tired from teaching 5 classes a week, to 1-2 students each time for $5, or worse still, $0?   This was me, 8 years back when first I started out as a Yoga teacher. I've since then taught for 5…

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