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How to overcome Imposter Syndrome: 12 Simple Tips to reclaim your True Power

As a woman entrepreneur, creative, and yoga teacher, I’ve been on a lifelong journey to overcome imposter syndrome, which had previously held me back from achieving my goals and pursuing my passions.

Imposter syndrome is a psychological pattern in which you might doubt accomplishments and feel like a fraud. It can prevent you from taking risks, pursuing opportunities, and reaching your full potential. In this article, I will share 12 tips that I have found helpful to overcome imposter syndrome as a woman entrepreneur and Creative: 

Overcome imposter syndrome

12 Tips to overcome imposter syndrome and build self-confidence

1. Identify Your Triggers to overcome imposter syndrome

The first step in overcome imposter syndrome is to recognize it. Identify the signs and symptoms, such as self-doubt, fear of failure, and downplaying your  accomplishments. Whenever I felt like an impostor, linking it back to specific triggers that caused those feelings helped me realise the root cause. It could be anything from negative feedback from a client or a student to a missed deadline. Once I knew what triggered those feelings, I could work on managing my emotions.

2. Embrace a resilience mindset

Angela Duckworth, the author of Grit, interviewed dozens of high achievers—from JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon to New Yorker cartoon editor Bob Mankoff to Seattle Seahawks Coach Pete Carroll. Through her research, she found that one of the key factors leading to their success was having a resilience mindset – the ability to adapt and bounce back when things don’t go as planned. Whenever you felt like things aren’t going as planned and you feel like a fraud, remind yourself that you keep learning, adapting and growing. Whether it’s taking a course or attending a workshop, continuous learning can help build your skills and confidence.

3. Reframe ‘Mistakes’ and ‘Failures’ to ‘Lessons’

Linked to tip #2, there are no mistakes. Only lessons. In each potential ‘failure’ lies valuable insights that can inform you of better strategies as you move forward. Each of these is an opportunity for growth. It’s important to remember that these so-called ‘mistakes’ are a natural part of the learning process.

You fail only if you try it once and don’t success. Remember that you have a lifetime to grow and experiment. Each time you fail, as long as you learn, adapt and grow, you move closer to success. 

Seeking feedback from others, such as supportive mentors or coaches, who offer constructive criticism can help you improve. Be open to feedback and willing to make changes. If you’d like constructive feedback from an experienced mentor, you can book a curiosity call with me here.

4. Reframe Negative Thoughts

A key root of imposter syndrome is unbalanced relationship with your inner critic, who could be flooding your mind with negative thoughts leading to your feelings of self-doubt and unworthiness. Reframing these negative thoughts and self-limiting beliefs is the next step to stepping into self-confidence and worthiness. 

Whenever I found myself thinking negatively, I reframed those thoughts into positive affirmations to intentionally practice and repeat. For example, instead of thinking “I’m not good enough,” I would say “I’m capable of doing this.”. If that feels like a stretch, try this meditation to soothe anxiety and create safety and ground your energy first.

5. Challenge self-limiting beliefs

A key step to move forward is to challenge and release old self-limiting beliefs that are holding you back from connecting with your true power and inner champion. Challenge your beliefs about yourself and your abilities. Don’t let negative self-talk hold you back from pursuing your goals.

6. Accept Compliments Fully

In the past, whenever someone complimented me, I would often deflect or dismiss the compliment. If you notice yourself doing this, you are not allowing and acceptance abundance in your life fully. Instead of ignoring, deflecting or dismissing the compliment, graciously accept it, and take time to savor it. It’s important to acknowledge your strengths and accomplishments.

If like me, you are someone who has been brought up to believe that one should be humble and that you are nothing special, it will take time to practice receiving compliments. But learning to accept compliments is a powerful and valuable practice that with intentional practice over time, will reap fruits for your self-confidence and worthiness. 

7. Celebrate & recognize Your Accomplishments

Whenever I felt like an impostor, I reminded myself of all the things I’ve accomplished in my life. It’s important to take a step back and reflect on what you’ve achieved, even if it seems small. Take time to celebrate my successes, no matter how small. Celebrating my achievements help build momentum, confidence and remind you of your abilities.

Celebrate your growth and achievements

To remind me of my past successes, I have a ‘pillar of praise’ where I pasted all the positive feedback, compliments and praise I received from past clients and students. Whenever I feel low, I have a look at it and remind myself of how far I’ve come and the impact I’ve already made in the world and in the lives of others. This keeps me going. Create your own pillar of praise, or something that keeps you going. 

8. Set realistic goals

Setting realistic goals can help build confidence and avoid the pressure to be perfect. Focus on progress rather than perfection. and remind yourself to set realistic expectations for yourself. It’s important to recognize your limits and not push yourself too hard.

9. Step (just slightly) outside your comfort zone

Taking risks can be scary, but it’s necessary to achieve your goals, especially if you want to stop  playing small to up leveling your life and career.

When I’m about to do something that makes me feel afraid because it’s outside of my comfort zone, I acknowledge the fear and ask myself, what’s the worst that can happen? Since there is no failure, there are only lessons, I have nothing to lose.

Don’t let fear hold your back from pursuing your dreams. Remember, each step you take outside of the comfort zone will propel you towards growth and your dreams. 

10. Build your tribe of supporters to overcome imposter syndrome

Sometimes when imposter syndrome hits, I find that talking to someone I trust, such as a friend or mentor can help me release unfounded fears and feelings of unworthiness. Their supportive and objective perspectives help me see things more clearly. Sharing my feelings with others can help me realize that I’m not alone in this journey to overcome imposter syndrome. My supporters – trusted friends, family members, or colleagues offer me encouragement and remind me of how far I’ve come.

Find and build your tribe and surround yourself with positive people who believe in you and the change you want to leave in the world. Distance myself from negative people who bring you down.

11. Practice self-compassion and self-care 

Whenever I felt like an impostor, I embraced my vulnerability and allowed myself to feel those emotions. It’s okay to feel vulnerable, and it’s a sign of strength to acknowledge those feelings.

Be kind to yourself, and learn to treat yourself like you would treat a friend who is going through a tough time. When imposter syndrome hits, take time to practice self-care activities that help to release anxiety, overwhelm and cultivate calm, confidence and clarity. These could be yoga, meditation, or going for a walk. Any activity that helps you relax and clear your mind can be beneficial.

12. Embrace your uniqueness:

For many of us the root of our fears and unworthiness arise from comparison with others. You might find yourself thinking, ‘who am I to say this?’ or ‘I’m not experienced enough to…’. This is only because in your mind there is someone else, a benchmark of worthiness whom you’re comparing against.

Embrace your unique strengths and qualities. Instead of comparing yourself to others or trying to be someone you’re not. celebrate what makes you special and valuable. Your life, the situations you’ve experienced, your set of challenges, triumphs; your strengths and weaknesses make you special and unique. No one can be like you.

Whenever I am struggling with self-doubt and imposter syndrome, I remind myself of this:

There is someone out there waiting to hear your message. Someone whose life will be changed by your words, your programs / services / products. Someone who will thank you for changing their world and inspiring them. They are waiting for you on the other side, once you overcome imposter syndrome. Don’t keep them waiting.

To Overcome Imposter Syndrome, keep going 🙂

By recognizing imposter syndrome and using these 12 tips, you can overcome imposter syndrome and reclaim your true power. Remember, you’ve got this – You can pursue your dreams, take necessary risks, and achieve your goals with confidence and resilience. It’s a continuous journey of practice, but each day you get closer and become more self-confident and worthy.

If you know someone who could benefit from this article, forward this to them. You can join the mailing list if you haven’t already to get updates on new blog posts. I’d love to hear from you. Leave a comment below or email me 🙂

If you’re looking for 1-on-1 support to overcome imposter syndrome:

Book a call with me or read more about coaching with me. 

Learn how to overcome imposter syndrome, own your true power, and enjoy ease, flow and well-being and create a career and life you truly love.  Because these are all the things I value, practice and embody in my life 🙂

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Hi! I’m Wenlin Tan, a Productivity, Accountability & Mindfulness Coach with clients across Asia, Europe and the USA. I am passionate about supporting you to overcome self-doubt, procrastination and inner critic attacks to achieve your goals and live the dream of your dreams. If you want to learn how to overcome overwhelm and achieve your goals with ease, I’m here to help.

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