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Let’s Work Together 1:1

Thriving as creative and changemaker can be draining and difficult. To help you grow and accelerate your growth, I offer strategic coaching sessions to bring you clarity, proven strategies, and loads of inspiration and accountability.

Well-being coach Wenlin Tan

Unfulfilled at work / with life ? Thinking of quitting?

Struggling with a career or life transition? Unsure of your next step(s)? Get help to decide your next step and how to pivot smoothly with success while minimizing financial risks. Subtopics include:

  • How do I kickstart my career pivot / life transition while minimizing risk?
  • How can I go from employee to entrepreneur?
  • What industry / role should I take on next?
  • How can I sustain myself financially?
  • What niche should I choose?

Feeling overwhelmed? Procrastinating on yourself?

Struggling with overwhelm, perfectionism or procrastination? Have too much on your plate? Improve your time management & workflow to get more done in less time. Subtopics include:

  • How can I overcome perfectionism that’s causing me to avoid action-taking?
  • How can I organise my time and projects better to have more free time?
  • What routines and habits should I incorporate?
  • What should I do when overwhelm kicks in?
  • How can I stop procrastinating?

Recovering from burnout / overwhelm?

Struggling with burnout from work / supporting others? Be held accountable and receive support on short and long-term strategies to restore your well-being and get your needs met. Subtopics include:

  • How can I manage stress / burnout from work / supporting others?
  • I struggle with prioritizing my needs – how can I do this?
  • What routines and habits should I incorporate?
  • What should I do when burnout kicks in?
  • How can I stop overgiving?

Coaching Support: 2 Effective Solutions

Pick from these two effective options based on your needs.

Power Strategy Session (60 min)

Need quick clarity and support on a specific problem area in your career or life? This single session will help you.

  1. Clearly define your obstacle
  2. Uncover effective solution(s) relevant for you
  3. Break down the solution into your actionable first next step(s)

This is ideal for individuals who need one-off support and are can take action independently.

You’ll feel confident and clear on what to take action on, on your own to achieve your goals.

Creative Career + Life Breakthrough Program (3 months)

Need long-term support to successfully navigate a major life or career transition? This 3 month program consisting of 2 x kickoff and concluding 60 min Power Strategy sessions, and weekly 30 min clarity & accountability coaching check-ins will help you:

  1. Define ‘success’ as aligned with your values
  2. Identify specific steps to take to achieve your goals
  3. Be held accountable long-term to take consistent action to realise your dreams
  4. Course-correct when you fall off track due to self-doubt, overwhelm or limiting beliefs

If you struggle with procrastination or perfectionism this will help you with consistent support and accountability.

You’ll feel inspired, supported and confident through routine check-ins to keep you on track to reach your goals.

“Wenlin is an excellent coach and yoga teacher, competent, knowledgeable, soft and strong. Me and my sister did a yoga retreat with her in Singapore, and ever since I’m following her all the way from France!”
– Marguerite, journalist from France, Island Yoga Retreat
Wenlin’s brain is priceless! I so much appreciate her! In one day she provided so many insights! She such a great asset to this group!
– Oleysa, Peer from Passion Business Academy
Thanks for the inspiring Circle Wenlin! I am really loving the connection with Paulette, my accountability partner. Almost everyday I celebrate many small wins! Thank you for your continuous support and guidance.”
– Tihana, Yoga Teacher from Croatia
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