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12 Fun Spring Equinox rituals to spark creativity and Inspiration

The Spring Equinox is a time of renewal, rebirth, and growth. It marks the point in the year when the day and night are equal, and the energy of the earth begins to shift towards growth and expansion. Spring Equinox rituals are a way to honor this time of year and tap into the creative and inspirational energy of the season.

11 Fun Spring Equinox Rituals

In this article you’ll learn when the Spring Equinox is and discover 12 fun Spring Equinox rituals to spark creativity and inspiration.

When is the Spring Equinox?

If you’re living in the Northen hemisphere, in 2023, the Spring Equinox is the the official first day of spring, which falls on Monday, March 20, at approximately 10:24pm CET (Rome, Paris, Central Europe). Check out what time is is for you here.

2023Monday, March 20, at 10:24 PM CETSaturday, September 23
2024Tuesday, March 19, at 04:06 AM CETSunday, September 22
2025Thursday, March 20, at 10:01 A.M. CETMonday, September 22

On the March equinox, the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere receive roughly equal amounts of sunlight; neither hemisphere is tilted more toward or away from the Sun than the other.

After the spring equinox, many places will experience more daylight than darkness in each 24-hour day. The amount of daylight each day will continue to increase until the summer solstice in June, during which the longest period of daylight occurs.

12 Fun Spring Equinox rituals to spark Inspiration & Creativity

1. Spring-themed Yoga Qigong Practice

A Spring-themed Yoga or Qigong practice is a great Spring Equinox ritual to connect with the energy of the season through movement and breath. Join me live on 19th March or check out these resources for ideas for your Spring Equinox ritual Yoga.

For your home practice, you can create a sequence that focuses on poses that represent growth, renewal, and balance, such as tree pose, warrior II, and mountain pose. You can also incorporate breathing exercises like alternate nostril breathing, which can help to balance the energy in the body.

2. Spring Cleaning – the ultimate Spring Equinox Ritual

Spring cleaning is a time-honored tradition that has been practiced for centuries. This Spring Equinox ritual involves deep cleaning your home, getting rid of clutter, and organizing your space. The act of clearing out old energy and making space for new can be incredibly inspiring and rejuvenating. Check out this guide for 36 easy Spring cleaning ideas.

3. Create a Vision Board for Spring Equinox

A vision board is a visual representation of your goals and dreams. It can be a powerful tool for manifesting your desires and bringing them to life. To create a Spring Equinox vision board, gather images and words that represent the things you want to manifest in your life. You can use magazines, photographs, or your own artwork to create your board. Check out this guide on how to Create your own Spring Equinox Vision board

4. Take a Nature Walk

Taking a nature walk is a simple but powerful Spring Equinox ritual. As you walk through the woods or along a river, take time to observe the changes in the environment around you. Notice the buds on the trees, the new growth in the fields, and the sounds of birds and animals. This ritual can be incredibly grounding and rejuvenating.

5. Try a Spring Equinox Meditation

Meditation is a powerful way to connect with the energy of the Spring Equinox. You can find guided meditations online that are specifically designed for this time of year. Rise in spring with the energy of the Wood element in this Spring-themed Yoga Nidra to empower you to connect with your mental awareness, nourishing the fertile soil and land of your body and heart with seeds of potential and growth. Alternatively, you can create your own meditation by focusing on the themes of renewal, rebirth, and growth.

6. Make a Spring Equinox Ritual Ostara Altar

An altar is a sacred space that represents your spiritual practice. Making a Spring Equinox Ostara altar is a way to honor the energy of the season and create a space for reflection and inspiration. You can use items like flowers, crystals, candles, and artwork to create your altar. Check out this guide to create your own Ostara Altar.

7. Make a Spring Equinox Feast

Cooking a meal is a creative and nurturing act that can be incredibly satisfying. Making a Spring Equinox feast is a way to celebrate the season and connect with the energy of growth and renewal. You can incorporate seasonal ingredients like asparagus, artichokes, and spring greens into your meal. Grab some ideas from the chart below, or  read this blog post on 15 Spring Equinox Ritual Foods and Meal ideas to tantalize your tastebuds.

Eating Seasonally in Spring
Eating Seasonally in Spring

8. Dance Under the Stars

Dancing under the stars is a fun and freeing Spring Equinox ritual. As the weather warms up, you can take your dancing outside and connect with the energy of the earth and the sky. You can dance alone or with a group of friends, and let your body move to the rhythm of the universe.

9. Plant a Spring Equinox-themed Garden

One of the most powerful Spring Equinox rituals is to plant a garden. This ritual connects us to the earth and the cycle of growth and rebirth. Whether you have a large yard or a small balcony, there are many ways to plant a garden. You can grow herbs, vegetables, or flowers, and watch as they sprout and flourish over the coming weeks and months. Get inspired here with 17 Spring garden ideas. 

10. Write a Spring Equinox Poem

Writing a Spring Equinox poem is a beautiful way to connect with the energy of the season. You can write about the renewal of life, the beauty of nature, or the feeling of inspiration and creativity that comes with the changing of the seasons. Short on ideas? Check this post for 25 Spring Poetry prompts to help your creativity bloom.

11. Try some Spring journaling

If you are a fan of journaling, try these Spring Equinox Ritual journaling prompts to harness the rising energy of spring with you into the rest of the year:

What do I need to let go of, clutter clear, or spring clean to allow space for realising my dreams?

What do I wish to grow more of in my life? What do I want to welcome in to my life?

What do I want to encourage, give my attention to, so that it has the best chance of manifestation? (What projects or plans am I giving birth to?).

What am I awakening in myself?

12. Egg rituals

The Spring Equinox is synonymous with egg rituals! Eggs represent the birthing of new life, fertility and growth. Some ideas for egg rituals include:

  • Paint / Decorate your own eggs as a symbol of fertility, balance, and growth.
  • Egg manifesting ritual: Write or draw wishes on an egg (raw, hard-boiled, or a fake egg), then bury your egg in the ground to let the fertile energy of the earth help it manifest. Amplify this ritual by burying your egg along with seeds you wish to grow and sprout. As your plants grow, they remind you that your desires are being manifested.
  • Balancing eggs: It’s really an urban legend that eggs are easier to balance on their heads during the Equinox, but in case you’d like to give it a try, read this first.

Spring Equinox rituals are a powerful way to connect with the energy of the season and spark creativity and inspiration. Whether you choose to plant a garden, write a poem, or dance under the stars, these rituals can help you to tap into the energy of growth and renewal and bring new ideas and opportunities into your life.

By taking the time to honor this important turning point in the year, you can set the stage for a season of abundance, creativity, and growth.

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Hi! I’m Wenlin Tan, a Productivity, Accountability & Mindfulness Coach with clients across Asia, Europe and the USA. I am passionate about supporting you to overcome self-doubt, procrastination and inner critic attacks to achieve your goals and live the dream of your dreams. If you want to learn how to overcome overwhelm and achieve your goals with ease, I’m here to help.

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