MidYear Review Questions: 6 Powerful Questions & a Simple Meditation to Harvest & Nurture Your Manifestation Garden
Your Midyear Review is a time to celebrate and appreciate the progress you have made thus far. July marks an exciting halfway mark on your journey, as you acknowledge your accomplishments from the first half of the year. Doing a Midyear review and reflection is powerful as it allows you to find deeper meaning in your celebrations. In this article, I share a guided midyear review meditation and my six favourite powerful midyear review questions to empower you to prepare for a bountiful harvest. You can also join us live online on 1 July to do your MidYear review and meditation together!
Midyear review: Manifesting as Gardening
Manifesting is much like gardening or farming. The initial months before your midyear review are dedicated to sowing seeds, nurturing sprouts, and witnessing flowers bloom. You prepare the soil, water your plants and weed out obstacles and barriers in the way of your growth.
As we enter the second half of the year, it becomes a season of harvesting fruits, sharing gains, expressing gratitude, and storing the best seeds for the future. Just as spring brings life to seeds, gardeners and farmers tend to their plants. In the summer, nature adds its final touch, allowing fruits to ripen, revealing magical tastes and hidden nutrients.
While it may still be summer, we can already sense the changing tides. The days have begun to grow shorter since the summer solstice, and the early morning breeze carries a hint of autumn. Below the surface, the earth is preparing for fall, and within plants and trees, nature readies the harvest. Nature does not allow procrastination at this time.
MidYear Review Meditation & Reflection:
As the middle of the year approaches, this is an opportunity to connect with the Creative Cycle and the Fire Element’s energy to manifest effectively. We must first fulfill our part by putting in our efforts here on Earth, and leave Heaven to nurture the rest. The Midyear is the perfect opportunity to recommit to our intentions, reinforce our manifestation efforts and set the stage for a remarkable second half-year.
🌻 Join our Mindful MidYear Review & Meditation Live on 1 July 2023
Join us live online on 1 July to do your MidYear review and meditation together! Can’t make it? Join the mailing list to get a recording.
You can also follow along this guided Midyear review meditation or explore it on your own using the six midyear review questions below.
Midyear Review Questions & Guided Meditation: Your Manifestation Garden
Midyear review preparation: Look back on the last 6 months:
Before you embark on your meditation, take a moment to review the past six months. Explore your journal, calendar, or photo app, allowing valuable memories and awakenings to resurface.
Starting your Midyear review: Enter your Manifestation Garden
Imagine yourself entering the Garden of Manifestation within your consciousness, where the seeds of your intentions were sown earlier this year.
As you stroll through this garden, observe the plants and flowers that have grown through your efforts and energy.
Close your eyes and visualize this beautiful garden.
Six Powerful MidYear Review Questions for Reflection:
1. Reflect on the Current State:
What seeds did you sow at the beginning of the year? Reflect on various aspects such as health, relationships, personal growth, spirituality, career, business, finances, or contribution. How have they grown?
What flowers are blooming, and which ones have fallen? Observe the climate of your garden and describe its condition.
2. Acknowledge accomplishments & Areas to Celebrate
Identify the most beautiful and glowing flowers in your garden.
What do they symbolize, and what do they mean to you? Describe their significance.
3. Reflect on past challenges & unexpected changes
Not all flowers may have bloomed as anticipated. Reflect on any unexpected changes.
Are there any actions you could have taken differently to achieve your desired outcome?
4. Envision your Harvest
Imagine the fruits and harvests that will emerge from your flowers. Envision the accomplishments and the person you aspire to become by the year’s end. Describe the harvest you will create.
5. Identify potential Obstacles & Challenges:
Identify the biggest challenges or obstacles that may hinder the planned harvest in the next six months.
How will you overcome them? Describe your strategies in detail.
6. Seek Wisdom from your Future Self:
Visualize yourself six months from now, having overcome all obstacles and reaping a bountiful harvest. Your future self stands before you, reflecting growth and wisdom. Engage in a conversation with your future self, seeking advice and encouragement on fully living your intentions for the next six months.
Leaving your Manifestation Garden:
Express gratitude to your future self and leave the garden, carrying the wisdom gained through this meditation. Take the time to write down your insights and, if necessary, revise your plans for the second half-year. Trust that you have done your part, and let the universe take care of the rest.
Celebrate Your Achievements:
Don’t forget to celebrate your accomplishments from the first half of the year with your loved ones!
Genuine celebrations will fuel your motivation and help you prepare for an abundant and meaningful harvest this year.
Fingers crossed! I’m rooting for you as you nurture your manifestation garden.
May you yield a truly fulfilling harvest.
If you liked these Midyear review questions and meditation, here are other resources you might like:
- Meditate: Summer Solstice Chakra Meditation: Embrace your Inner Light
- Meditate: Midyear Review Meditation Audio: Nurture Your Manifestation Garden
- Read: How to do a monthly reflection: DIY Quick & Easy Monthly Reflection
Find Support to Step into your Creative Potential:
Are you seeking support to grow your manifestation garden? With my coaching, we’ll explore the underlying challenges and limiting beliefs stopping you. You’ll learn effective and simple tools to make this year your best yet. Furthermore, you’ll learn strategies to supercharge your productivity and creativity, and improve your well-being.
Book a complimentary call with me
Together, we’ll create a personalized approach that honors your needs and empowers you to thrive.
Share the Gift of Transformation:
Know someone who needs to do a midyear review? Share this with them and support them on their journey towards making this year their best yet.
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