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Year in Review 2022 Part 2

Year-In Review 2022 Part 2: Da Cosa Nasce Cosa  A thread unraveling  By the end of where I was in part 1 of my Year-In-Review I was emotionally, mentally and psychologically spent, disappointed at myself at overestimating my capacity to take things on, resulting in my failure to realize the full potential of any of them. There was also a tinge of regret of not having really rested properly during Winter (Dec 21' - Feb 22'), a deep longing of mine, being a teacher and practitioner of cyclical wisdom and seasonal living myself. Shifting gears: Doing Nothing, Being Honest, Saying…

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Year in Review 2022 Bridge: A little (long) story and a gift

Year-in-Review bridge: A little (long) story and a gift 🎁 Hearing the impulse and following the call I originally intended to write a single Year-in-Review post, but as I started writing it I realised 2022 was too rich to be summarized in a single post. So I settled on having 2 parts to the Year-in-Review. Then some unexpected events unfolded, which led me to take inspired action and write the post below, originally written as a newsletter to my mailing list, then shared on Facebook, was created. Kind words have come to me expressing how inspiring and beautiful the story…

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Year in Review 2022 Part 1

Year-In Review 2022 Part I: The beginning of something magical Making space for Magic to unfold  What a year! 2022 has been full of ups and downs. So much has happened it's impossible to summarize it within a post, so I've split it into two parts, this first detailing most of Jan-May 2022 which was overflowing, busy and very Yang 阳 active in nature. Join my mailing list (scroll down to the bottom) to be notified when part 2 is published. Reconciling Yin-Yang 阴阳: A special friendship COVID took many of us by surprise. My response in 2021 was to…

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