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The moon is always full

One of the first things I learnt as a yoga teacher-in-training in 2016 was the meaning of YOGA - to Yoke, to unite. Yoga is the continual practice of returning to the realisation that you are, and have been, whole. Though this idea resonated deeply with me, it seemed both simple and obvious. I thought I internalised it right away. With the passage of time however, I forgot this seemingly obvious idea. I chased one after another milestone; I did what I had been conditioned to becoming so good at: striving. It was when I came across the concept of…

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Remembering Yin-Yang | 铭记阴阳

In the last days of 2021 as a flurry of new year-related posts start to flood my social media feed, Bernie Clark's gentle yet radical article on adopting a Yin approach to new year resolutions crosses my path. Bernie notes that most resolutions are Yang 阳, about changing or doing- I will lose x kilos, make $x, find a new romantic partner, so on and advocates instead for adopting a Yin 阴 approach, prioritising acceptance, compassion and being- I will love my body as it is, I will feel grateful and abundant with my existing financial and living situation, appreciate…

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