Practise with an experienced, anatomy-trained instructor
I’ve been teaching since 2016 and have undergone training on Yoga Anatomy, am certified by Yoga Alliance and is CPR-trained. I have extensive experience teaching private yoga, offering customized classes for different needs, including athletes, pregnant women and elderly individuals with comorbidities such as diabetes, high blood pressure etc. I am currently a resident teacher at YogaUnion, Italy, Turin’s leading Yoga studio, and split my teaching between Asia & Europe.
Classes in in the comfort of your home, at your convenience
I can facilitate a private class for you any day / any time convenient for you, at your home / workplace. You won’t have to worry about getting stuck in traffic and being late for group class. No more excuses on missing your group class, being lazy… I will help keep you accountable for your progress and keep you on track on your journey towards better health.
“Wenlin is an amazing yoga teacher and person, she understands individual need and adjusts class accordingly. I strongly recommend her private lessons.” – Fricci, Doctor from Italy, Private Yoga @ Turin, Italy
“My love and I had a very good experience with Wenlin. She is a very professional, talented and kindly person. Can’t wait again to have the opportunity to attend her workshop!” -Tatiana, Massage Therapist from Brazil, Private Partner Yoga Workshop @ Singapore.
8 class program: €240 (€30 each class)
4 class program: €140 (€35 each class)
Single class: €45
If you’d like individualized classes but have a limited budget, grab your friends / family for mini group classes (3-4 people) at your home.

You are unique! Your body is unique.
In the entire world, there is no one like you. You are not “average” and you can’t not “normal”—because no one is. Though your shoe size, your height, your weight might be similar to other people, the individual parts that make you who you are are entirely unique. Just as no one else has your dental pattern, it’s also true that no one else has your bone structure, your spine, or your hips. We can see evidence Paul Grilley’s work with cadaver bone’s: Looking at just the thighbone (femoral bone), we can already observe a huge individual anatomical viariation in femoral torsion (inward turning angle of the thighbone).
In the second image on the right from Bernie Clark, we can see how this anatomical variation which affects our ability to externally rotate the femur, which reflects how two individuals may look different when move to their limit in Cobbler’s pose (Baddha konasana) during a yoga class.
‘Average’ doesn’t work for Your Body
In group yoga classes individual anatomical variation is often ignored because class sizes are large and there is limited available time & attention for each individual student. To make teaching easier, an aesethetic approach (how the pose looks/ is supposed to look) is often adopted. Aligment cues are given based the anatomy of an ‘average individual’ – which poses a problem, because you are not an ‘average individual’, in fact, no one is! When you follow such cues, you are ignore your unique anatomy, and risk injuring your body.
It’s Your Body, why not practise Your Yoga?
Private yoga offers a tailor-made yoga experience designed to suit your unique body: Your anatomy, your lifestyle and health needs. You can practise in a supportive environment that honours your unique anatomy while achieving progress in a safe way. Experience a functional approach to yoga – indentifying what part of the body is intended to exercise, and adapting it to your unique anatomy. This helps you to enjoy the health benefits while avoiding injuries.
Individual variations in Femoral Bone:
Cobbler’s pose (Baddha konasana) during a yoga class